Application Support

Application: myRockPaperScissors – found on Apple Store. A beautiful and fun version of Rock Paper Scissors.  Great for making random decisions!  The game’s objective is to defeat the opponent (computer) by selecting an object that defeats the opponent’s object.  Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock.  If both players choose the same object, the game is a tie.

How to play myRockPaperScissors:

1) Enter your player name and click on the “Let’s go!” button.

2) Click on either the Rock, Paper, or Scissors image in the red box.  The computer will also select one of the three.  The object picked will be displayed on the screen for each player.  Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock.   If both players choose the same object, the game is a tie.  The winner is awarded one point.  No points are awarded for a tie.  Keep playing as many times as you wish to determine the winner over multiple rounds.


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